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Siena guided tour with Duomo - tos03

private experience

The guided and private tour of Siena begins from the Basilica of San Domenico, where you will find yourself in front of one of the largest and most beautiful churches in the city, belonging to the Dominican order. It contains the head-relic of Saint Catherine of Siena: for this reason, in fact, the church is also called the “Catherinian basilica”, due to the connection with the Sienese saint and some episodes of her life.

Place of departure for us and for Saint Catherine, who was born here. She is the patroness of Italy and Co-Patroness of Europe; she was and will always be a personality much loved by the Sienese. You will be able to admire her relics, learn about her story and admire her house: you too will be fascinated by it.

You will continue with the magnificent complex of the Cathedral of Siena includes a series of monuments among the most significant in the European artistic panorama. The Cathedral undoubtedly represents the fulcrum from which any further investigation departs. Inside there is a suggestive and grandiose decoration by artists such as: Nicola Pisano, Donatello, Michelangelo, Bernini. The work present in the cathedral, which is exceptional in many ways, is the floor created with the graffito and marble veneer technique, the result of a program of classical and religious inspiration, which was carried out over the centuries, starting from the fourteenth century up to XIX century. You will then continue along the Corso, with its shops and typical products, to arrive at Piazza Del Campo, the place where the Palio di Siena is held twice a year.


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